IntelliJ + Maven
This tutorial provides a beginner-friendly click by click guide to set up Javacord with Intellij and Maven. If you are already familiar with IntelliJ and Maven, you can just see the artifact locations at Download / Installation.
We recommend to use Intellij + Gradle unless you already have experience with one of the other IDEs or build managers.
🔧 Setup
1. Start IntelliJ
-> New
-> Project
2. Create a new project (Maven
3. Select 4. Make sure to select an SDK which is 1.8 (or greater)
5.* Click com.github.yourname
6. Enter a group id (e.g. myfirstbot
7. Enter an artifact id (e.g. Next
8. Click Finish
9. Click on Enable Auto-Import
10. Your project should now look like this. First click on 11. Now you have to add Javacord as a dependency by editing the pom.xml file. Your file should now look like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
12. Create a new package
13. Create a new class inside this package
14. You can now start coding! Example code:
package com.github.yourname;
import org.javacord.api.DiscordApi;
import org.javacord.api.DiscordApiBuilder;
public class Main {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Insert your bot's token here
String token = "your token";
DiscordApi api = new DiscordApiBuilder().setToken(token).login().join();
// Add a listener which answers with "Pong!" if someone writes "!ping"
api.addMessageCreateListener(event -> {
if (event.getMessageContent().equalsIgnoreCase("!ping")) {
// Print the invite url of your bot
System.out.println("You can invite the bot by using the following url: " + api.createBotInvite());
🏃♀️ Run the code
You can run your code by clicking on the small green arrow
🚧 Possible problems
Note: If you get the following error:
you have to change your language level to 1.8