Creating Channels, Invites, etc.
Javacord provides XyzBuilder
classes to create new Discord entities like channels, webhooks, servers, and many more.
📕 Create Channels
You can get the channel builders for a specific server using the Server#createXyzChannelBuilder
or by directly calling the constructor. Creating a ServerVoiceChannel
would look like this:
Server server = ...;
ServerVoiceChannel channel = new ServerVoiceChannelBuilder(server)
📗 Create Webhooks
You can get the WebhookBuilder
for a specific text channel:
ServerTextChannel channel = ...;
Webhook webhook = new WebhookBuilder(channel)
.setName("Captain Hook")
.setAvatar(new File("C:/Users/Bastian/Pictures/puppy.jpg"))
📘 Create Invites
You can get the InviteBuilder
for a specific server channel:
ServerTextChannel channel = ...;
Invite invite = new InviteBuilder(channel)
📙 Create Servers
You can get the ServerBuilder
from the current api instance:
DiscordApi api = ...;
long serverId = new ServerBuilder(api)
.setName("My Awesome Server")
By default, bots can only create servers if they are in less than 10 servers. You can contact the Discord support to request a higher limit.