
Lambdas are used to implement functional interfacesopen in new window. Simply said, functional interfaces are interfaces with a single method definition. All listeners in Javacord are functional interfaces and look like this internally (simplified):

public interface MessageCreateListener {
    void onMessageCreate(MessageCreateEvent event);

Before Java 8, you would have implemented this kind of listener as an anonymous classopen in new window, which would look like this:

api.addMessageCreateListener(new MessageCreateListener() {
    public void onMessageCreate(MessageCreateEvent event) {
        // Do stuff

In Java 8, this can be replaced with a lambda expression, which does exactly the same thing, but in a more readable fashion. The method parameter (in this case event) is written in front of the -> arrow, and the method body is written after it.

api.addMessageCreateListener(event -> {
    // Do stuff


If the method has more than one parameter, it would look like this:

(param1, param2) -> { ... }

There's even a shorter version: If you are only executing one statement, you can get rid of the { } brackets as well:

api.addMessageCreateListener(event -> event.pinMessage());

However, the above method can be shortened even more, by replacing the lambda expression with a so called "method referenceopen in new window".


There are also plenty classes in Java 8, that make use of lambda expressions. One example would be the Optional class, which is explained here.

📚 Further Read

This tutorial only focuses on the absolute basics. For an in-depth introduction to lambda expressions, you can take a look at Oracle's article about lambda expressionsopen in new window.